This photo was taken about a month after the benefit. Finn received steroid therapy during this time.
It's been over four months since the Finn Gunderson DBA benefit--a truly remarkable night that ranks among the best nights of our lives. The response was overwhelming and Bridget and I knew then--without the slightest doubt--that we were not alone in helping Finn to live with and hopefully overcome Diamond-Blackfan Anemia.
An entire community of friends and family joined together in downtown Orlando (and those who were unable to attend were there in spirit), to support us in supporting our son. It is hard to put into words how encouraging that evening was. Whenever memories of the evening pop up--a smile, a conversation, a song--it lifts us up and gives us hope. The last four months have been challenging, to say the least, on many different fronts. Life, as you all well know, continues happening--loved ones pass away, close friends become ill, and relationships evolve. At times it has been overwhelmingly stressful and it is during times like those that we simply take it one day at a time and strive to be positive and grateful.
Finn, of course, is our main concern. In the next post, I'll explain what we've done, what we are doing, and what we will be doing to help him live with--and hopefully overcome--DBA.
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